
Apathy! In this present culture, Christians seem to have an apathetic attitude toward genuine gospel preaching. They prefer the “feel good” type of preaching that is becoming more prevalent in today’s modern churches. Someone once said that good preaching is giving people what they need disguised as what they want. Unknown A good example of this apathy is stated as: What’s the difference between ignorance and apathy? And the answer was: I don’t know and I don’t care. Unknown

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Wake up! What we have here in this present day culture is the twisting and altering of facts. This is the goal of the current culture, to stamp out anything or anyone who does not agree with them, especially, Christians. Everyone’s view is valid except the Christian values. They want to strike fear into anyone who disagrees with their views. Facts that have been proven true are being twisted, misinterpreted and are deceptive. People are presented with a persistent false belief that is meant to delude even though there is indisputable evidence to the contrary. 

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