
Published on 24 February 2025 at 15:50

Apathy! In this present culture, Christians seem to have an apathetic attitude toward genuine gospel preaching. They prefer the “feel good” type of preaching that is becoming more prevalent in today’s modern churches. Someone once said that good preaching is giving people what they need disguised as what they want. Unknown A good example of this apathy is stated as: What’s the difference between ignorance and apathy? And the answer was: I don’t know and I don’t care. Unknown


Apathy is especially true when the topic of the Rapture is discussed. It seems that people just can’t be bothered. They’ve heard the message over and over again, so much so that they’ve stopped listening or paying attention to Rapture preaching. When we do this we have essentially put ourselves in serious and imminent spiritual danger.


It would be unwise to separate prophecy and gospel preaching into isolated categories. The current culture is rapidly verifying end times prophesies as we see in the decay of morality, depravity and anti-God schemes propagated by cancel culture, the media and academia. That is exactly the way these things are.


The evolutionists want us to believe that the world is becoming a better place to live but just look at what is happening almost daily in the world, chaos, riots, insurrections, protests, scammers, corruption, hurricanes, typhoons, tsunamis, riots and even tearing down statues, as if that will change history, this is not a pretty sight but all this is predicted in scripture by the prophets and Jesus in Matthew 24: 1-35. You can add Luke 21:11 as well.


 Take a look at the disasters today like, tsunamis, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, typhoons, pestilence like the COVID 19, all these are happening more frequently and more destructive than ever. This is just like in the time of Noah when everyone was just carrying on with their daily living, ignoring the constant warnings of Noah. And everyone had a cavalier attitude and just sloughed it off politely, smiled and carried on. Where was the water, where was the flood, where was the rain? They must have thought Noah was insane talking about a flood. There are still many things to come in this world before Jesus comes again.

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