Wake up! What we have here in this present day culture is the twisting and altering of facts. This is the goal of the current culture, to stamp out anything or anyone who does not agree with them, especially, Christians. Everyone’s view is valid except the Christian values. They want to strike fear into anyone who disagrees with their views. Facts that have been proven true are being twisted, misinterpreted and are deceptive. People are presented with a persistent false belief that is meant to delude even though there is indisputable evidence to the contrary.
I am thoroughly convinced that the vast amount of today’s professing Christians is not aware
what is happening to our Christian faith. It seems that Christians are caught up and duped into believing false godless teachers and preachers who want to tear down and nullify certain biblical morals and standards and introduce erroneous interpretations. In Psalm 83 we learn that even in Old Testament days there where devious, subtle people and groups that banded together and plotted and schemed to destroy God’s people.
In this 21st century there is a fanatical, extremist movement raging across North America, the UK and many other nations, to censor and eradicate anyone or anything else that a vocal minority finds offensive. It is called “The Woke” and “Cancel Culture” and it wants to ban people from voicing anything to do with biblical views of morality, family, and religion. This type of cancel culture wants to eliminate free speech.
Most Colleges and Universities are Left wing brothels of bad ideas that can poison minds and Spirits. Left wing politics are a sprawling zoo of bad ideas. The Hidden threats are relativisms, materialism and hysterical Wokery, Woke pseudo-morals, Woke irrationality and Woke madness. Today’s, concept of rights and equality have become deadly toxins have come from the Wokstapo
In Matthew 12:30–37, Jesus gives three stark warnings about spiritual vacillation and blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, and how one’s words and deeds reflect one’s heart.
Authentic followers of Christ do well to reflect on these warnings. Taking a biblical and honest assessment of one’s own heart from time to time sparks new spiritual growth and fresh intimacy with God.
Psalm 83: 17-18
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